Monday, 14 January 2019

Marketing With Video In 2019

Its time for all who have been waiting in the wings to finally turn to video marketing to boost their business exposure. If your company does not yet have a marketing video or some form of video marketing you are going to be left behind. You cant ignore the changes, have your business suffer and then say " I don't know what happened." You know exactly what is happening. Video is dominating online marketing and it's time for your business to take the leap. If you don't, you only have yourself to blame.

So to get to the heart to of it, you need to have some videos made and then you need to post them on paid an non paid platforms. They each have their benefits but the paid platforms are more likely to get the results your business needs. The reason for this is that the biggest online platforms like Facebook and YouTube want to make money too so they make sure that the most effective marketing tools are the paid-for ones and not the free ones. They are smart business people so don't expect anything else.
If you are still in the habit of posting social media junk to your social media channels everyday because someone told you that it was a good way to get your business noticed, then you are in a sorry state for sure. Ask yourself, how often do you read other companies posts? How often do you interact with those companies because of the the junk "daily quotes" and " free e-book" offers?
The problem with marketing is that you only seek out a business or service if, and when, you need it. If a plumber constantly posts daily motivation quotes, will you keep them on speed dial for your next geyser leak emergency? No ! When you see water dripping from your ceiling you pick up your phone and begin searching and asking around.
So why would you think your customers would be any different?
There are two ways to advertise. One is to constantly put out marketing so that your brand is recognised and the other is to be where people will search for you.

The brand recognition is all about trust. When people see your brand or company name a lot, they will more likely trust you over an unknown company. If however your company offers a service that nobody knows any of your competitors names or yours, then being found the easiest is key.
So if you are the latter then be sure you are visible on places like Google or other service related search websites. If you want to build your brand recognition, you need videos about your company or service to be seen by as many appropriate eye balls as possible.
That means constant ongoing video marketing using services such as YouTube. These two services can also be used in combination to achieve both brand exposure as well as being findable in a search.
Your video can also help with SEO for Google by providing a backlink to your site and as an embedded video on your site.

The video on your website can, and should, be different to the marketing video that  your potential clients will see on places like YouTube. The video used on YouTube and other marketing platforms, should be the hook to bring the clients to your site. The video on your website should "close the deal" by explaining all they would need to know about your business while leaving them wanting just enough to contact your business. For example, a YouTube video could say "Get this amazing offer etc etc" .Your website video could explain how your service works and how they can take up the amazing offer and providing another hook by saying " This offer is limited so call now..."

There is also an " About Us " video which should be on your "About Us" page. This should not be confused with the marketing video on YouTube or the introductory video on the your websites first page.
The "About US" is really there to build more trust by talking about your company and how your services are well respected and what benefits your customers derive from your business along with some testimonials.

To find out more on how this applies to your small business marketing got to this page:

There is more about YouTube and how to get started using video to market your video.

Marketing With Video In 2019

Its time for all who have been waiting in the wings to finally turn to video marketing to boost their business exposure. If your company doe...